Pink for Girls & Blue for Boys
Choreographer Tabea Martin

Tabea Martin’s new piece concerns itself with the characteristics of being either a boy or a girl. Is pink only for girls and blue only for boys? Are only girls allowed to cry and boys not? Can only boys climb trees and girls not? Where do the differencesmstart and when do they become a form of marginalization? How much courage does it take to stand up to one's own ideas and needs? Let's turn the whole thing around! Let's not put up any boundaries! What happens then? The piece invites us to do as we see fit and not as others deem fitting for us.
Idea and choreography: Tabea Martin
Dramaturgy: Irina Müller
Choreography and performance: Carl Staaf, Maria de Dueñas López, Miguel do Vale, Melanie Wirz.
Stage design: Doris Margarete Schmidt
Costume: Mirjam Egli
Artistic advise: Moos van der Broek
Difusion: Cécile Brissier / Kilim Production
Coproduction: TanzHaus Zurich, Krokusfestival Hasselt
A cooperation project of: Tanzhaus Zürich, Kaserne Basel, eviDanse Centre Culturel de la Prévôté Moutier, Festival de la Cité Lausanne, im Rahmen des Veranstalterfonds / Reso – Tanznetzwerk Schweiz. Mit der Unterstützung von Pro Helvetia, Ernst Göhner Stiftung.